(1 青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266109;2 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;
3 青岛华东葡萄酿酒有限公司,山东 青岛 266102)
摘要:针对虾及其冻品中添加亚硫酸盐造成的食用安全性隐患,研究其最佳检测方法。在GB/T 5009.34-2003《食品中亚硫酸盐的测定》中第一法的基础上,通过比较不同波长和时间对吸光度的影响,确定了25℃恒温水浴下,虾及其冻品中亚硫酸盐的最佳测定条件为:最大吸收波长为575 nm,最佳反应时间为17.5 min。运用该方法检测了市售鲜活虾、冷冻虾及虾仁等100份样品中亚硫酸盐的含量,发现有7份样品超标,亚硫酸盐最高含量为255.44 mg/kg;进一步对50份鲜虾样品仅做去头处理,检测发现有16份样品亚硫酸盐含量超标,最高达297.64 mg/kg。综合比较国内外相关技术标准,建议GB 2760《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》中应增加虾中亚硫酸盐最大使用量的规定。
Improvement of Sulfite determination and Sulphite content analysis
in Shrimps and its frozen products
ZHANG Rui-ling 1,2, ZHU Lan-lan 2, DUAN Wen-Jia3, ZHOU De-qing 2
(1 Qingdao Agricultural University, College of food science and engineering, Qingdao 266109, China; 2 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China; 3 Qingdao Huadong Winery Co.,LTD, Qingdao 266102, China)
Abstract: Because the potential hazard of sulfite to the edible safety of Shrimps and its frozen products. We compare the different absorbance detection effect on different wavelength and time, according to the national institute of standards "determination of sulphite in foods". The results show the maximum absorption wave length is 575nm,and the optimal reaction time is 17.5min at 25℃water bath condition. Then we investigated 100 samples of fresh shrimps, frozen shrimps and shrimp meat in the market using the improved method. We found that 7 samples were unqualified according to the Codex Alimentarius commission’s (CAC) provision., and the highest content of sulfite was 255.44 mg/kg; 50 shrimp samples were processed further for headless shrimp, and 16 samples unqualified, the highest content was297.64mg/kg. Suggestions are provided that the maximum usage rules of sulfite in aquatic product should be supplemented in "National food-safety standard- standards for uses of food additives".
Key words: sulfite; shrimps & frozen products; content analysis