姜 红1,刘礼堂2,郑喜森3
摘要:2009-2011年对鄱阳湖水域渔业资源与环境进行了动态监测,统计渔获物34 893.66 kg,其中鲤科鱼类种类最多,占37.01%。鄱阳湖现有鲤、鲫产卵场33处,主要分布在湖区东、南、西部,年均有效产卵面积186 km2,年均产卵量33.68亿粒。监测结果表明,鄱阳湖水域湖水的铅、总氮、铜、总磷和高锰酸盐等为主要超标污染物,导致湖区水质下降。结合水质状况对鄱阳湖的渔业资源现状进行了分析,并进一步提出了物种与生物资源保护、生境保护与修复、管理与监测等可持续发展对策,以保障鄱阳湖水域作为我国重要生态屏障的作用,使鄱阳湖水域渔业资源得到可持续利用。
The Poyang Lake fishery resources environment status and protection countermeasures
JIANG Hong1, LIU Li-tang2, ZHENG Xi-sen3
( 1 School of Ecology and Tourism, Shanghai Business School, Shanghai, 201400;
2 College of Chinese language and literature, Wuhan university, Wuhan, 430072;
3 Regional Bureau of East China Sea Fishery Management, Ministry of Agriculture P. R. C, Shanghai 200333, China)
Abstract: From 2009 to 2011, a dynamic monitoring of fishery resources and environment was carried out in Poyang Lake. A total of 34 893.66 kg fish were captured with various fishing gears, of which the fishes of Cyprinus carpio were accounted for 37.01%. The 33 spawning sites of the crucian and carp in Poyang Lake distributed in the east, south and west of the lake. The yearly area was 186 km2 and the yearly spawning amount was 3368 million of eggs. The over polluting contaminants of the water include Pb, TN, Cu, TP, and CODMn, which showed the worsening of water quality in Poyang Lake. The fishery resources environment status was discussed according to the quality of the water in the lake. We further put forward some countermeasures such as protection of species and biological resources, protection and restoration of habitats, as well as construction, management and monitoring of nature reserves, so as to ensure the function of Poyang Lake as an important ecological barrier and promote the sustainable fisheries development of the lake and eventually, the economy and society of China.
Keywords:Lake Poyang;fishery resources;protection countermeasures