田应平,杨 兴,朱 玲,关 梅,周 利,周 路,李建光,周 洲
(贵州省水产研究所,贵州 贵阳 550025)
摘要:为实现在互联网用户端的网页浏览器(IE)上能进行鱼类标本的360°虚拟展示,观察到鱼类标本的全貌,利用旋转台及数码相机,进行多角度的数字化图像自动采集,设计了贵州省数字化鱼类标本网络信息系统。该系统基于2.5维图像技术,集合图像处理及微软银光(Microsoft Silverlight)应用程序技术,实现鱼类数字标本的图像建模和制作,并利用网站发布,在用户端上实现可操控标本的360°自由旋转。各个角度标本的鳍条和纹理非常清晰,在改变标本的观察角度时,图像非常流畅,无停顿。该系统具有图像自动采集、全景观察等特点。
Design of digital fish specimens network information system
TIAN Ying-ping, YANG Xing, ZHU Ling, GUAN Mei, ZHOU Li, ZHOU Lu, LI Jian-guang, ZHOU Zhou
( Guizhou Fisheries Research Institute, Guiyang Guizhou 550025, China )
Abstract: To exhibit the 360° virtual displays and the complete pictures of fish specimens in Internet Explorer (IE) Client, Guizhou digital fish specimens network information system was designed. The system was based on 2.5 dimensional image technology. Multi-angle digital image acquisition was done automaticly by rotating stage and digital camera. Image processing combined with Microsoft Silverlight technology was used to do fish specimens image modeling and making. The images can be published in a website and 360° freely rotated in Internet Explorer Client. Each angle of fin ray and texture displays clearly and exactly. The images shift continuously and smoothly when the viewing angle alter. The system shows superiority in automatic image acquisition, panoramic view, and other facets.
Key words: fish specimens; network database; automatic image acquisition; information system; digitization
作者简介:田应平(1965—),男,工程师,从事渔业信息研究及软件应用设计工作。E-mail: kltyp00@126.com
通讯作者:杨兴(1963—),男,研究员,从事淡水鱼类养殖及渔业设施研究。E-mail: yx6311@126.com