李 辉,高 昕,刘莲风,杨博峰,韩 芳,许加超
(中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东青岛 266003)
摘要:通过冰温结合复合配方保鲜剂技术对贮藏过程中褐牙鲆鱼肉样品的鲜度(pH值、k值、TVB-N、细菌总数)和质构特征参数(感官评定、组织构造、破断强度等)的变化进行了研究,同时与单一冰温贮藏样品的相应变化进行了比较和分析。结果表明:冰温结合保鲜剂贮藏方法能够显著延缓牙鲆鱼肉样品细菌总数、K值、TVB-N值和pH值等的增加速度;随着贮藏时间的延长,样品组织结构、破断强度和感官指标等的变化均呈现减缓趋势;与单一冰温贮藏条件的样品相比,冰温结合保鲜剂样品的货架期能有效延长10 d左右,达到最佳保鲜效果。
Effect the super-chilling compound preservatives
on freshness and texture changes of Olive flounder
LI Hui, GAO Xin, LIU Lian-feng, YANG Bo-feng, HAN Fang, XU Jia-chao
(College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao, 266003 China)
Abstract: In the present study, we served the effects of super-chilling combined with preservatives on properties of Olive flounder. Changes of pH value, K value, TVB-N, and total number of bacteria, combined with rheological properties (sensory scores, tissue structure, and rupture strength) of Olive flounder were determined. The results showed that it is dramatically that the condition of super-chilling combined with preservatives could decrease the rising velocity of pH value, K value, TVB-N, and total number of bacteria. As the storage time extend, super-chilling combined with preservatives could more effectively inhibit texture changes than only during controlled freezing point, and also as the effects on rupture strength changes and sensory scores. Compared with the controlled freezing point, super-chilling combined with preservative can extend the shelf life of samples about 10 days. It is suggested that super-chilling combined with preservatives provide a promising technique for keeping freshness of Olive flounder and extending the shelf life.
Key words: Olive flounder; super-chilling; preservatives; freshness; tissue structure
作者简介:李辉(1982-),女,硕士,主要从事水产品贮藏与加工方面研究。E-mail: nicy1225@163.com。
通讯作者:高昕 (1968-),男,副教授,博士,研究方向:食品物性学。E-mail::xingao@ouc.edu.cn