摘要:为了了解淡水养殖鲤鱼在冷藏和微冻贮藏条件下的品质变化情况,本研究将经前处理后的鲜活鲤鱼分别贮藏于4 ℃和-3 ℃冰箱中,测定了菌落总数(TVC)、挥发性盐基氮(TVB-N)、硫代巴比妥酸值(TBA)以及K值等指标的变化。结果显示:冷藏第12天鲤鱼的菌落总数为5.67 logcfu/g,微冻第40天为5.72 logcfu/g;冷藏第8天时TVB-N值为10.55 mg/100 g,微冻第30天TVB-N值为18.85 mg/100 g;冷藏条件下TBA值在贮藏的第14天为0.52 mg/kg,微冻第40天为1.06 mg/kg,均未超过2.00 mg/kg;冷藏第8天K值为55.96%,微冻第30天K值为53.99%。综合各指标变化,4 ℃和-3 ℃贮藏鲤鱼的贮藏期分别为8 d和30 d,-3 ℃的微冻贮藏较4 ℃贮藏鲤鱼贮藏期延长了2.75倍。
Studies on the quality changes of common carp during chilled storage and partial-freezing storage
HU Su-mei 1, ZHANG Li-na 1, LUO Yong-kang 1, SONG Yong-ling 1, SHEN Hui-xing 2, CUI Jian-yun 1
( 1 College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China;
2 College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China )
Abstract: The quality of pre-treated common carp stored at 4 ℃ and -3 ℃ respectively were investigated with total viable counts (TVC), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and K value as the indicators. The TVCs of common carp stored at 4 ℃ on the 12th day and stored at -3 ℃ on the 40th day were 5.67 logcfu/g and 5.72 logcfu/g, respectively. The TVB-N value of commom carp stored at 4 ℃ was 10.55 mg/100 g on the 8th day, while it was 11.77 mg/100 g of common carp stored at -3 ℃ on the 20th day. However, TBA values of common carp stored at 4 ℃ on the 14th day and stored at -3 ℃ on the 40th day were 0.52 mg/100 g and 1.06 mg/kg, respectively, both under the limit value of 2.00 mg/kg. Meanwhile, the K value of common carp stored at 4 ℃ was 55.96% on the 8th day, and it was 53.99% of common carp stored at -3 ℃ on the 30th day. Taking all the indicators considered,the shelf life of common carp stored at 4 ℃ and -3 ℃ was 8 days and 30 days respectively. Compared to 4 ℃ storage, the preservation life of common carp during partial freezing storge was 2.75 times longer.
Key words: common carp; quality; chilled storage; partial-freezing
作者简介:胡素梅(1987—),女,硕士,主要从事水产品贮藏及加工研究。E-mail: husumei1@163.com
通讯作者:崔建云(1957—),男,教授,研究方向:农产品加工与食品制造技术装备开发与集成开发。E-mail: jycui@cau.edu.cn