董华洋1,王永学1,侯 勇1,2,赵云鹏1
(1 大连理工大学,海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室,大连 116024;
2 中交第四航务工程勘察设计院有限公司,广州南华工程管理有限公司,广州 510230)
Experimental study on the hydrodynamic characteristic
of box-type floating breakwater
DONG Hua-yang1, WANG Yong-xue1, HOU Yong1,2, ZHAO Yun-peng1
( 1 State Key Laboray of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian 116023, China;
2 CCCC-FHDI Engineering Co., Ltd, Guangzhou Nanhua Project Mangement Co., Ltd, Guangzhou 510230, China )
Abstract: In this paper, a kind of box-type floating breakwater used for protecting the area of offshore cage aquaculture is presented. The physical model experiments are conducted to study the hydrodynamic characteristic. The experimental results show that the ratio of wave attenuation of box-type floating breakwater is up to 65%. So the box-type floating breakwater has good ability of dissipating wave. It can be applicable to ocean aquaculture engineering. The research results can provide basis for designing and installing floating breakwater in offshore cage aquaculture area.
Key words: box-type floating breakwater; transmission coefficient; motion responses; mooring forces; offshore cage aquaculture
作者简介:董华洋(1979—),女,博士生,主要从事海上防灾减灾研究。E-mail: dhy791224@sina.com