关键词: 热带气旋;避风型渔港;设计标准;锚泊
Factors analysis on fishing ports sheltered from the typhoon
WANG Chuan-cong , LUAN Shu-guang , HAO Xiao-yan , GUI Jin-song , ZHENG Yan-na
(Dalian fisheries university , Dalian 116023 , China)
Abstract:China's southeast coast is the most vulnerable zone to typhoons Between May to November ach year, the area will suffer the impact of the typhoon causing a serious threat to the fishing port, fishing boats and fishermen. The capacity of the fishing port to resist the typhoon is the most concerned. This paper intends to analyze the loss of the fishing port, fishing vessel and fishermen during typhoon period in recent years. And it considers the breakwater design standards, sheltered anchorage substrate and the mooring way factors etc. To sum up valuable conclusions for reduce the fishing port, fishing boats and fishermen disaster, and to provide a scientific basis for the government construction of the sheltered type fishing port.
Key words: tropical cyclone;fishing ports sheltered from the typhoon;design standards;mooring type
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(1),65-66)