杨世凤1,齐嘉琳1,李 洋1,赵继民1,赵国营2
(1 天津科技大学电子信息与自动化学院 天津 300222;2 天津宝坻区鱼种场,天津 301800)
Wireless system for monitoring and control of dissolved oxygen
in fish pond water
YANG Shi-feng1, QI Jia-lin1, LI Yang1, ZHAO Ji-min1, ZHAO Guo-ying2
( 1 College of information and Electrical Engineering, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300222, China;
2 Fish Nursery in Tianjin Baodi, Tianjin 301800, China )
Abstract: Dissolved oxygen monitoring plays an important role in aquaculture. A dissolved oxygen monitoring and control system is described in this paper which uses WIFI to build the net, LabVIEW to control the system and the GSM network to communicate with remote users. The dissolved oxygen concentration, temperature and other key environmental parameters could be detected online in the system, and the aerator could be controlled based on the environmental situation. The fish ponds could be monitored by the owner through remote computer or cell-phone. The results showed that the system significantly improved the controlled quality of the water quality monitoring system, and the application prospect is broad.
Key words: dissolved oxygen; wireless detection; control system
作者简介:杨世凤(1960—),男,天津科技大学电子信息与自动化学院教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为信息检测与智能化技术。E-mail: yangsf@tust.edu.cn