张 正,荣小军,廖梅杰,王印庚,王 岚,李 彬,陈贵平
(中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071)
Establishment of aquatic disease remote consultation system and its promoter action for China aquaculture industry development
ZHANG Zheng, RONG Xiao-jun, LIAO Mei-jie, WANG Yin-geng, WANG Lan, LI Bin,
CHEN Gui-ping
( Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China )
Abstract: Combination of multimedia computer technology, network communication technology, video-conference system, microscopic image acquisition technology and other multidisciplinary techniques, we built the aquatic disease remote consolation system of north China. Three databases included aquatic economic animal biology database, pathogenic germs database and aquatic drugs database are also integrated in this system. The system included control center, sub-control station for different areas, stationary consultation terminal, mobile consultation terminal, technical expert group and aquaculture technician. Aquaculture experts in the control center can do distant information transmission and education, academic exchanges, data sharing, long-distance consultation about aquaculture technology and disease control with culture farm through this system. Thus, diagnoses of aquaculture disease will be more timely and accurate after the system in use.
Key words: aquaculture; remote consulation; system construction; disease control; pathogen; database
作者简介:张正(1979—),男,黄海水产研究所助理研究员,在职博士研究生,主要从事海水养殖病原微生物学及疾病防治工艺研究。E-mail: zhangzheng@ysfri.ac.cn
通讯作者:王印庚(1963—),男,黄海水产研究所研究员,博士,2001年获马来西亚博特拉大学博士学位,主要从事健康养殖工艺与疾病控制技术研究。E-mail: wangyg@ysfri.ac.cn