王雅琼 黄翔鹄 李长玲
(广东海洋大学水产学院,广东 湛江,524025)
摘要: 2010年4月至7月,对湛江市东海岛的3口集约化养殖池塘的水温、溶解氧、无机氮以及无机磷进行了跟踪调查,相关指标参照《海洋监测规范》的方法进行测定。结果表明:在整个养殖过程中,水温为22.54~31.48℃,溶解氧含量为5.04~9.88mg/L。氨氮含量表现为养殖前期高,中期低,后期高的变化趋势,变化范围为0.011~0.882 mg/L,均值为0.155 mg/L。硝酸盐含量波动较大,变化范围为0.001~0.811 mg/L,均值为0.193 mg/L。在养殖后期, 亚硝酸盐的含量有所增加,变化范围为0.005~0.103 mg/L,均值为0.020 mg/L。无机磷含量为0.019~0.235 mg/L,均值为0.066 mg/L。氮磷比(IN/IP)变化范围为0.474~20.575,均值为5.984,小于5.000的占48%。
Main Water Quality Factors in Intensive Prawn Aquaculture Pond in subtropical zone
WANG Ya-qiong, HUANG Xiang-hu, LI Chang-ling
( Fisheries college of Guangdong Ocean University,Zhanjiang 524025,China )
Abstract: From March to July in 2010, a study was conducted to measure temperature, dissolved oxygen, inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphate in three intensive aquaculture ponds of Zhonglian , Guangdong province. The results showed that during the entire culturing progress water temperature and dissolved oxygen content were in the range of 22.54~31.48℃ and 5.04~9.88 mg/L respectively. As for the ammoniac nitrogen, its density was high in both prophase and anaphasis, and low in metaphase, ranging from 0.011 to 0.882 mg/L, with the average of 0.155 mg/L. The content of nitrate had a relatively large fluctuation, varying from 0.001 mg/L to 0.811 mg/L, with the average of 0.193 mg/L. In anaphasis, the nitrite had a higher density in the range of 0.005~0.103 mg/L, with the average of 0.020 mg/L, while there was a slight change in the content of phosphorus, ranging from 0.019 mg/L to 0.235 mg/L, with the average of 0.066mg/L. The ratio of inorganic nitrogen and inorganic phosphate was from 0.474 to 20.575, with 48% of them lower than 5.000.
Key words: Water Quality Factors; Intensive Culture ponds; penaeid shrimp
作者简介:王雅琼(1987— ),女,硕士研究生,研究方向:海洋资源与生物多样性保护。E-mail: 467320222@qq.com