(大连海洋大学辽宁省渔业装备工程技术研究中心,辽宁 大连116023)
摘要:为有效提高海洋微藻两相发酵产沼气效率和产气过程的稳定性,开展了海水小球藻与养殖固废混合水解产酸特性的研究。探讨了水解料液的初始pH、料液浓度、接种量、藻液与养殖固废质量比(藻-废质量比)对海水小球藻水解产酸的影响。单因素试验结果表明,当初始料液pH值为7.00时,更有利于料液中挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的积累;料液总固体(TS)浓度增大,可有效提高料液VFA产率;当接种量为8%~12%时,料液中VFA浓度可提高90%左右。此外,控制合理的藻-废质量比,能够缩短水解产酸的启动时间,获得较高VFA浓度和系统稳定性。综合因子试验结果表明,各因素对料液VFA浓度的影响次序为:料液浓度>接种量>藻-废质量比,且当料液浓度为7%、接种量为8%、藻-废质量比为2:1时,料液中VFA浓度最高,为4 760 mg/L。
Study on acid production from anaerobic fermentation of marine Chlorella vulgaris and aquaculture solid wastes
XING Liping,LI Xiuchen,BAI Xiaolei,ZHENG Baidong,,HANG Qian
(R&D Center of Fisheries Equipment and Engineering of Liaoning Province,Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China)
Abstract: In order to improve the biogas production efficiency of marine microalgae and the stability of biogas production, experiments on the characteristics of hydrolysis acidification of marine Chlorella vulgaris and aquaculture solid wastes were carried out at different initial pH levels, concentrations of hydrolysate liquid, the inoculation amounts and mass ratios of marine Chlorella vulgaris to aquaculture solid wastes. Results of single-variable experiments showed that the accumulation of VFA in the hydrolysate liquid could be increased when the hydrolysate liquid initial pH was 7.00.VFA concentration could be increased by the improvement of TS concentration in the hydrolysis liquid. When the inoculation amount was 8% ~ 12%, the hydrolysate liquid VFA concentration could be increased by about 90%. In addition, shorter hydrolytic acidification start time, higher VFA concentration and more stability system could be attained by reasonable mass ratio of marine Chlorella vulgaris to aquaculture solid wastes. Comprehensive test results showed that the influence of concentration of hydrolysate liquid on VFA in the hydrolysate liquid was the most significant and followed were the inoculation amount and mass ratio of marine Chlorella vulgaris to aquaculture solid wastes. The VFA concentration in hydrolysate liquid could reach to 4760 mg/L when hydrolysate liquid concentration, inoculated quantity and mass ratio of marine Chlorella vulgaris to aquacultural solid waste were maintained at 7%, 8% and 2:1, respectively. Short start time, higher VFA concentration and more stability could be attained by reasonable mass ratio of marine Chlorella vulgaris to aquaculture solid wastes.
Key words: marine Chlorella vulgaris; aquaculture solid wastes; hydrolytic acidification; VFA