祖岫杰,刘艳辉,李改娟,刘铁钢,柳 鹏,李秀颖
(吉林省水产科学研究院,吉林 长春 130033)
摘要:为丰富二龄拉氏鱥(Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowskii)的生长生物学资料,研究了二龄拉氏鱥在池塘养殖条件下的生长特性。对平均体长(8.56±0.78)cm,平均体质量(9.62±0.82)g的拉氏鱥,在水温变幅19.4~27.6℃条件下,经过120 d的养殖试验,体长增长36.76%,体质量增长179.63%。体长与体质量呈幂函数关系:W=0.008 1 L3.299 2,R2=0.988 3。体质量日增重在试验60~90 d时最高(0.237 g),体质量相对增长率在试验30~60 d时最高(48.26%)。试验期间,生长常数和生长指标变化趋势一致,在试验30~60 d时最高;试验鱼肥满度从试验初到结束一直小幅升高,变幅为1.528 4~1.671 0;生长离散60~90 d较大,试验末期较小。结果表明,池养二龄拉氏鱥生长为异速生长型,其体质量增长快于体长增长;特定生长率与水温变化关系密切,水温23.5~27.6 ℃为生长适宜水温。
The pond culture and growth performances of two-year Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowskii
ZU Xiujie, LIU Yanhui, LI Gaijuan, LIU Tiegang, LIUpeng, LI Xiuying
(Jilin Fisheries Research Institute,Changchun 130033, China)
Abstract:In order to enrich the data of grow biology for pond culture practices, the growth performances of two-year Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowskii was studied under pond culture conditions. The Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowskii with initial average body length of 8.56±0.78 cm and the average body weight of 9.62±0.82 g were cultured for 120 days under the water temperature range of 19.4~27.6℃. The results showed that body length growth increased by 36.76% and body weight growth increased by 179.63% for the Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowskii. Body length and body weight was power function relationship, and the correlation formula was W=0.008 1L3.299 2, R2=0.9883. The highest daily weight gain was 0.237g from 60th to 90th day. The maximum value of the relative growth increment was 48.26% from 30th to 60th day. During the experiment, growth constants and growth indicators had a consistent variation and maximum value appeared from 30th to 60th day. The fish relative fatness had been slightly increased from initial stage to the end, and ranged from 1.528 4 to 1.671 0. The specific growth rate was closely related to water temperature. The dispersed growth was more obvious from 60th to 90th day, and the smaller dispersed growth at the end of experiment is relatively smaller. The results indicated that two-year Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowsk in pond was allometric growth type. The increment of body weight was faster than that of body length. The specific growth rate was closely related to water temperature. Optimum water temperature was 27.6-23.5℃.
Key words: Phoxinus lagowskii Dybowskii; pond culture; growth performances; water temperature; dispersed growth.