周 游,陈 石,张成林
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:为充实罗非鱼循环水养殖系统在冬季生产中进行暂养的研究数据,提供实际生产理论依据,开展了利用循环水养殖系统进行暂养的试验研究。以具有代表性的吉富罗非鱼(Orcochromis niloticus)为研究对象,设计并构建了一套室内罗非鱼循环水养殖系统。在该循环水系统中对罗非鱼进行了为期30 d的养殖(2014年11月20日到2014年12月20日),整个养殖周期内,罗非鱼养殖系统环境稳定,水质稳定良好。结果显示,系统养殖负荷总量从1 024.2 kg增长到了2 309.1kg,鱼体平均体重由170.7±10.8 g增重至385.5±7.5g,养殖密度由22.9±3.5 kg/m3增加到51.5±4.2 kg/m3,存活率99.8%,饵料系数1.35。水质检测结果显示:水体进水口总氨氮0.21~0.33mg/L,去除率20.64%;亚硝酸盐氮0.067~0.13mg/L,去除率13.82%;溶氧6.5~7.4mg/L,pH8.15~8.65,水温23.9~24.7℃。研究表明,该循环水养殖系统作为冬季暂养罗非鱼系统具有一定的可行性。罗非鱼生长状况良好,系统中各水质参数符合养殖要求。
Study on the temporary rearing of tilapia in recirculating aquaculture system in winter
ZHOU You, CHEN Shi, ZHANG Chenglin
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering,Ministry of Agriculture;Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: In order to enrich the data of temporary rearing system in the real production of tilapia in winter, an experimental study on the use of the recirculating aquaculture system for the breeding of tilapia(Orcochromis niloticus)was conducted. The recirculating aquaculture system was evaluated as culture environments for tilapia were reared in the system for 30 days. Throughout the experiment, water quality parameters were stable and remained within ranges suitable for tilapias. The experiment results showed that: the carrying capacity of the farming system increased from 1024.2kg to 2309.1kg. The average body weight increased from (170.7±10.8)g to (385.5±7.5)g, and the stocking density of the fish increased from(22.9±14.5)kg/m3 to(51.5±10.2)kg/m3. The survival rate was 99.8%. The feed coefficient ratio was 1.35. Water quality test results showed: the contents of ammonia nitrogen from fish pond water inlet was 0.21~0.33mg/L, with the removal rate of 20.64%; and nitrite content from fish pond water inlet was 0.067~0.21mg/L, with the removal rate of 14.02%. Dissolved oxygen content was at the range of 6.5~7.4 mg/L, pH ranged from 8.15~8.65, and the range of water temperatures was 23.9~24.7℃. It indicated that tilapias grew well in the recirculating aquaculture system as a temporary rearing system during the winter season, and it is feasible for practical use. The water quality parameters in the system was in accordance with the requirements of aquaculture.
Keywords: winter; tilapia; recirculating aquaculture system; temporary rearing