王丽君,席北斗,刘晓宇,张 颖,杨津津,夏训峰
(中国环境科学研究院,北京 100012)
Research on valley aquaculture water and wastewater purification
WANG Lijun,XI Beidou,LIU Xiaoyu,ZHANG Ying,YANG Jinjin,XIA Xunfeng
(Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China)
Abstract: To better solve the existing issues including low feed utilization rate, a serious nitrogen and phosphorus loss from valley aquaculture and serious water environmental deterioration in the Bohai town of Huairou, a maintenance demonstration project for aquaculture waters was studied and established, which included water source purification - reduction in the process - wastewater deep treatment. Demonstration project consists of two parts: the aquaculture water is purified by biological flocculation and sedimentation tank + Nano functional ceramic biological species treatment tank; the aquaculture wastewater is treated through surface flow constructed wetland + complex ecology multifunctional purify pond. The result showed that all the parameters of aquaculture water conformed to the third level (III) surface water standard except for TN; and all the parameters of the aquaculture wastewater attained the fifth Level (V) surface water standard except for TN. The surrounding ecosystem had a good recovery as well through planting water plants, etc. TN was not up to the standard, the reason possibly because the denitrification was restricted due to low concentration of organic matters and high DO concentration.
Key words:valley; aquaculture wastewater; aquaculture water; flocculation and sedimentation; functional ceramic; constructed wetland; purification pond; denitrification