许程林,赵永超,陈玉生,吉红九,贲成恺,钟 非
(江苏省海洋水产研究所,江苏 南通 226007)
摘要:传统的梭子蟹池塘养殖、围网养殖以及后来发展的笼养、筐养等对自然环境依赖性强、可控性差、劳动强度大、养殖产量低。本研究针对传统养殖方式的不足,采用格栅式单体养殖方法,有机组合生物净化水处理单元,构建了温室大棚梭子蟹格栅式循环水养殖系统,研发了具有“防止互残、遮阳保温、增氧去污”等性能的梭子蟹养殖新模式。结果表明,格栅式养殖池放养梭子蟹C8-C9期大规格苗种,经113 d养成至C11-C12期商品蟹,平均甲宽168 mm、平均体重253 g,存活率75.4%,养殖平均产量3.054 kg/m2。与传统养殖方式相比,采用温室大棚格栅式循环水养殖技术能有效延长梭子蟹的生长期,单位面积养殖产量和存活率均有显著提高。
关键词 :三疣梭子蟹;大棚养殖;格栅式单体养殖;循环水养殖
Grid type culture of Portunus trituberculatus in a recirculating aquaculture system
XU Chenglin,ZHAO Yongchao,CHEN Yusheng,JI Hongjiu,BEN Chengkai,ZHONG Fei
(Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu Province, Nantong 226007, China)
Abstract: Traditional Portunus trituberculatus culture in pond, isolated net, cage and basket are subject to the natural environment and are characterized by poor controllability, great labor intensity, low yield. In this study, a grid type culture of P. trituberculatus in a recirculating aquaculture system was explored, which have advantages of avoiding cannibolism, sunshade and heat preservation, aeration and decontamination. Crabs at stage of C8-C9 were moved into the grid type recirculating culture system and cultured for 113 days to commercial crab at stage of C11-C12, the carapace breadth and body weight reached to 168 mm and 253 g respectively. And the average yield reached to 3.054 kg/m2 with survival rate of 75.4%. Compared to the traditional culture model, the average yield of grid type recirculating culture system has significantly increased.
Key words: Portunus trituberculatus; green house; grid; recirculating culture