陈傅晓,蒲利云,曾关琼,谭 围,罗 鸣
(海南省海洋与渔业科学院 海南 海口 570203)
摘要:研究塔形马蹄螺亲本营养强化、促熟培育、人工催产、浮游幼虫培育及稚螺中间培育等一系列繁育技术,选取江蓠、海带、底栖硅藻等不同饵料进行亲本营养强化和促熟培育,比较其存活率及性腺成熟率;采用阴干刺激、温度刺激、性产物诱导及化学物质直接刺激等不同组合方法进行催产,共设计1个空白组和4个试验组。结果显示,底栖硅藻的促熟培育效果最好,存活率和性腺成熟率分别达到了91.67%和70.83%,而江蓠的效果最差,存活率和性腺成熟率分别仅为87.5%和56.67%;阴干刺激2h+温度刺激+精液诱导相结合的催产方法最佳,获得了1 500万的受精卵,经过约3个月时间的浮游幼虫培育及稚螺中间培育,获得平均壳高2.15cm的塔形马蹄螺苗6.12万粒。
Study on the induced breeding techniques of Trochus pyramis Born
CHEN Fuxiao, PU Liyun, ZENG Guanqiong, TAN Wei, LUO Min
(Hainan Academy of Ocean and Fisheries Sciences, Haikou 570203, China)
Abstract: A series of induced breeding techniques about Trochus pyramis Born were explored in this study including parent nutritional enrichment, conditioning, induced spawning, planktonic larvae rearing and juvenile snails intermediate cultivation. Different diets such as Gracilaria, kelp or benthic diatom were selected to investigate parent shell nutritional enrichment and conditioning, and the survival rate and gonad maturity rate were compared. The results indicated that the effect of benthic diatoms on conditioning was the best, survival rate and gonad maturity rate were 91.67% and 70.83% respectively; while Gracilaria showed the worst effect, the survival rate and gonad maturity rate were only 87.5% and 56.67% respectively. Different combination methods such as drying in the shade, temperature stimulation, sperm inducing and chemical direct stimulation were used to induce spawning, and 1 control group and 4 experimental groups were designed. The results showed that: the combination of drying in the shade for 2h + temperature stimulation + sperm inducing was the best method, and 15,000,000 fertilized eggs were obtained; through palatable food feeding in each period and effective management, after about 3 months of larvae and juvenile snails cultivation, 61 200 Trochus pyramis Born seedlings with average shell height of 2.15cm were obtained.
Keyword: Trochus pyramis Born; conditioning; induced spawning; seedling cultivation