杨湘勤,丁敬敬,黄 勃,张懿丹,胡亚强,袁 超
(海南大学海洋学院,海南,海口 570228)
摘要:分析了水泥框网片夹苗养殖(简称夹苗养殖)和鱼排浮筏式挂养养殖(简称挂养养殖)两种模式养殖琼枝麒麟菜的经济效益和生态效益。通过对比几种大型海藻对海水氮(N)磷(P)无机盐和重金属吸收去除能力。试验结果表明,琼枝对无机磷的吸收能力优于其他藻类,对钙(Ca)、 铁(Fe)元素的吸附效果显著优于海带和紫菜;以这两种养殖模式每养殖1 hm2琼枝,采用水泥框网片夹苗养殖模式可以去除海水中1.6 t N和7.7 t P,采用挂养养殖琼枝可去除海水1.9 t N和9.2 t P ;而夹苗养殖技术具有易于推广的特点,年产量约1 500 kg;挂养养殖模式易受到养殖区域的限制,适用于苗种生产,年产量约1 800 kg。综合来看,两种养殖模式均有水质优化效果显著、经济效益高等特点;琼枝麒麟菜可以作为理想型的热带海域净化水质的经济型大型海藻进行推广。
The techniques of Eucheuma gelatinae culture model and economic benefit analysis
YANG Xiangqin, DING Jingjing, HUANG Bo, ZHANG Yidan, HU Yaqiang, YUAN Chao
(Marine College, Hainan University, Hainan, Haikou 570228, China)
Abstract: The economic and ecological benefits of cement screen frame clamping seedling cultivation and fish floating raft type hanging cultivation of Eucheuma gelatinae were analyzed in this paper.The absorption and removal capacity of inorganic salts (nitrogen and phosphorus) and heavy metal of several kinds of large marine algae were compared.The study results showed that the absorption capacity of the inorganic phosphorus in the two culture models was superior to other algaes, and the effect of absorption to calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) was significantly higher than that of Laminaria japonica and Porphyra umbilicalis. In every cultivation of 1 hm2, the cement screen frame clamping seedling cultivation model could remove 1.6 t N and 7.7 t P in the culture water, and the raft model could remove 1.9 t N and 9.2 t P. There was characteristics of suitable for extension for cement box net seedling breeding model and the annual production was around 1 500 kg. The raft culture model could be restricted from cultivation area and it was suitable for seedling production, and the annual production was around 1 800 kg. In conclusion, these two models are characterized by water quality improvement, high economic benefits and the E. gelatinae could be the ideal alternative of economic macroalgaes for water purification in tropical waters.
Key words: Eucheuma gelatinae; culture models; benefits analysis; Hainan