摘要:为使气浮分离技术在工厂化循环水养殖水处理中的应用更加优化与规范化,改善气浮分离法的集成应用效果,通过优化设计适于循环水养殖水处理需求的各零部件,组装成叶轮气浮装置,集成应用于石斑鱼海水(盐度15)循环水养殖系统中。水质检测结果显示,进气量10 m3/h、水力停留时间(HRT)25 min 是本实验叶轮气浮装置的最佳运行工况;最佳工况下,本气浮装置对TSS、TN、COD、TAN和NO2--N的平均去除率分别为42.13%、35%、32.69%、10.27%和7.64%,最高去除率分别为46.76%、40%、38.31%、14.04%和13.87%。研究表明,叶轮气浮装置能通过泡沫分离去除有机物,同时降低水体中的COD和TN水平,而对溶解性的TAN 和NO2--N去除效果较差。
Design and purification performance of impeller gas floatation clarifier used in seawater recirculating aquaculture system
SHAN Jianjun,SONG Benben,ZHANG Chenglin,ZHUANG Baolu,ZHANG Yulei,WU Fan,YU Dongdong,
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture; Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: Although there are some cases of gas floatation clarifying technology used in recirculating aquaculture systems, it relies more on empirical methods. Meanwhile the design and construction are aimless and uncertain. To investigate the design and application of gas floatation clarifying technology used for aquaculture water treatment, an impeller gas floatation clarifier was designed by mechanical design principles, optimized by aquaculture requirements, assembled and installed in grouper seawater recirculating aquaculture system (salinity 15‰). Then water treatment efficiency was analyzed. The results showed that: 1) The optimum running conditions were 10m3/h for air intake and 25min hydraulic retention time (HRT); 2) Under the optimum conditions, the average TSS、TN、COD、TAN and NO2--N removal rate were 42.13%, 35%, 32.69%, 10.27% and 7.64% respectively, and the highest removal rate were 46.76%、40%、38.31%、14.04% and 13.87% respectively. Impeller gas floatation clarifier could remove effectively solid organics, reduce COD and TN simultaneously, but the removal effect for soluble TAN and NO2—N was not good. The impeller gas floatation clarifier in this experiment could effectively remove particle solid and simultaneously add oxygen in seawater recirculating aquaculture system. With the advantages of good adaptability, excellent performance and broad application, this device has a good potential for being popularized and applied in recirculating aquaculture system.
Key words: gas floatation clarifying; impeller gas floatation clarifier; marine recirculating aquaculture system (RAS); water purification