吕 青1,卢晓中2,焦宏强1,王 慧1
(1青岛出入境检验检疫局,青岛 266001;2 山东出入境检验检疫局,青岛 266001)
Current development and application trend of Good Aquaculture Practices
LV Qing1, Lu Xiao-zhong2, Jiao Hong-qiang1, Wang Hui1
( 1 Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Qingdao, Qingdao266001, China;
2 Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of Shandong, Qingdao266001, China )
Abstract: The current development of the good aquaculture practices on aquaculture aboard was studied; the good aquaculture practices in China was provide, the application trend of the good aquaculture practices was analyzed.
Key word: good aquaculture practices; current development; application trend
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),62-65)