(1 宁波大学,浙江 宁波315211;
2浙江省海洋水产养殖研究所,浙江省近岸水域生物资源开发与保护重点实验室,浙江 温州325005;
3永嘉县农业局渔政站,浙江 永嘉325100)
摘要:通过对浙江雁荡山水域、楠溪江和飞云江香鱼(Plecoglossus altivelis)资源的现状进行调查、分析和研究,得出浙江香鱼资源的现状面临着资源急速衰退而且濒临灭绝的危险。造成浙江香鱼资源衰退的主要原因是水质污染、生态破坏、水土流失、拦河筑坝、过度捕捞等众多因素综合所致;同时通过增殖放流、加强管理、保护环境等措施,可使香鱼资源得到一定的恢复。通过分析和研究,为浙江香鱼资源的修复提供参考。
Analysis on current situation and degeneration reasons of
sweetfish resource (Plecoglossus altivelis) in Zhejiang province
QIU Jian-biao 1,2, CHEN Shao-bo2, HUANG Li2, ZHOU Zhi-ming2, CHEN Zhi-jian3, LI Shang-lu2, CHI Wei2, HU Yi-qian3
( 1 Ningbo University, Ningbo Zhejiang 315211, China; 2 Zhejiang Mariculture Research Institute, Zhejiang Key Laboratory of Exploitation and Preservation of Coastal Bio-resource, Wenzhou Zhejiang 325005, China;
3 Agriculture Bureau of Yongjia County, Yongjia Zhejiang 325100, China )
Abstract: Through social survey, inquiring form local fishery departments as well as consulting relevant local history documents, this paper will study and analyze on historical change and current situation of sweetfish(Plecoglossus altivelis)resource in water body of Yandang Mountain, Nanxi River and Feiyun River in Zhejiang province. The results shows that the sweetfish resource is decline sharply and in danger of extinction, which mainly results form water pollution, ecological damage, water loss and soil erosion, river damming, overfishing etc. Meanwhile, this condition can be improved by resource stocking, management strengthen and environmental protection. Based on the research and analysis, this paper will offer the technical support to implement restoration of sweetfish resource.
Key words: sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis) resource; Zhejiang province; current situation; degeneration
基金项目:亚洲开发银行(Asian Development Bank)技术援助项目(TA2876-PRC);浙江省科技计划项目(2007F10011);2007年浙江省科协重点学术活动项目A04
作者简介:仇建标(1963—),男,高级工程师,主要从事渔业资源与生态学研究。E-mail: qjb9988@163.com