李金铎 龙绍桥 郑锡建
(宁波市海洋环境监测中心, 宁波 315012)
摘要: 为分析模拟东海海域渔船在失去动力情况下的漂移状况,使用东海地区典型的渔船,在船上安装GPS定位系统、风速风向仪和流剖面仪等设备,在不同海域获得渔船无动力自由漂移实测轨迹和气象、水文资料,并对其进行分析讨论。结果表明:渔船漂移方向受到风向的主导,受到流的影响发生偏移。漂移速度与表层流速大致相当并相关性较高,与风速相比小一个量级。东海区渔船的风导系数取0.1比较适中
Experimental Study of Fishing Boat Off-power Float in the East China Sea
LI Jin-duo LONG Shao-qiao ZHENG Xi-jiang
( Ningbo Marine Environment Monitoring Center, Ningbo ,Zhejiang Province 315012 ,China)
Abstract:Fishing boat off-power float road in the East China Sea and the synchronous sea wind and current have been tested and collected in Feb. and Apr. 2009, by using the Global Positioning System, anemometer and current profiler. The result show that float direction is dominated by wind,while the velocity approximately the same as that of the current. The research results indicate the wind factor k = 0.1 in this area.
Key words:Fishing Boat;Off-power Float;Sea Wind;Sea Current;East China Sea
作者简介:李金铎(1971-),男,工程师,从事海洋环境调查研究。 E-mail:hydcs2010@163.com