徐汉祥,刘子藩,周永东,王 垚
摘要:通过对1995—2007年东海带鱼的亲体和补充量资源状况分析,用Ricker繁殖模型和Beverton-Holt繁殖模型分别拟合了带鱼的亲体和补充量关系。结果表明:在现行伏季休渔条件下,东海带鱼的亲体数量和补充量之间存在着相关关系,Ricker繁殖模型的表达形式为R=6.934 7P e-0.033 916A,Beverton-Holt繁殖模型的表达形式为P/R=0.101 179.164 5×10-3P,二个模型均能拟合东海带鱼的亲体和补充量关系,且拟合结果相近。实施新的伏季休渔政策以来,带鱼的补充量大幅增加。现阶段保护带鱼资源的主要目标是保护亲体和增加产卵群体数量,有效的措施是推迟伏季休渔开捕时间。
The relation between parents and recruitment of hairtail on status of summer closed fishing in East China Sea
XU Han-xiang, LIU Zi-fan, ZHOU Yongdong, WANG Yao
( Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province Key Lab of Mariculture & Enhancement, Zhoushan 316100, China )
Abstract: This paper analyzes parents and recruitment of hairtail fishery resources in East China Sea from 1995 to 2007 since the regulation of summer closed fishing has been put into practice, Ricker and Beverton-Holt models are used in fitting with the relation between parents and recruitment of hairtail. The results show that on status of summer closed fishing, the relativity between parents and recruitment of hairtail exists. The expression of Ricker model is R=6.934 7Pe-0.033 916P, of which the maximum recruitment is 75.21×108 ind, parents for maximum recruitment is 29.48×108 ind, maximum maintainable yield is 50.44×108 ind (about 70.08×104 t), parents for maximum maintainable yield is 20.86×108 ind, recruitment for maximum maintainable yield is 71.30×108 ind. The expression of Beverton-Holt model is P/R=0.101 179.164 5×10-3P, of which the maximum maintainable yield is 50.74×108 ind (about 70.52×104 t), parents for maximum maintainable yield is 23.67×108 ind, recruitment for maximum maintainable yield is 74.41×108 ind. under current regulation of summer closed fishing, the fitting results of Ricker and Beverton-Holt parents-recruitment models of hairtail in East China Sea are similar. The available and reproduction fishery resources, recruitment of haritail are positively responded in East China Sea since the regulation of summer closed fishing was put into practice, whereas the spawning stock can’t keep in sustainable and effective increase because of overfishing. At present, protecting parents as well as increasing spawning stock are the main targets for protecting hairtail recourses in East China Sea, and postponing the finishing time of summer closed fishing is an effective solution.
Key words: hairtail; parents; recruitment; status of fishery resources; summer closed fishing; East China Sea
作者简介:徐汉祥(1962—),男,研究员,主要从事渔业资源和生态研究。E-mail: hxxu@vip.sina.com