高 翔,虞宗敢,周 荣
(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:为测试浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)对于有机高分子絮凝剂阴离子聚丙烯酰胺AP120的助凝效果,通过絮凝试验比较了浒苔投加量对于泥浆沉降比、pH值的影响,以及浒苔不同投加量情况下絮凝剂AP120投加量与浊度去除率的关系。结果表明,随浒苔投加量的增加,泥浆同一时间的沉降比呈现先降低后增大的趋势,浒苔投加量为1.0 g/L时较2.0 g/L、3.0 g/L同一时间泥浆沉降比较低。泥浆的pH值随着浒苔投加量的增加而降低,当浒苔投加量为2.0 g/L时,泥浆液的pH值近似于7.0。浒苔作为AP120的助凝剂对提高泥浆絮凝后的浊度去除率有显著作用,浒苔投加量为2.0 g/L对AP120的助凝效果较好,AP120投加量为5.0 mg/L时,浊度去除率达到97.8%;浊度去除率达到95%时,絮凝剂AP120投加量可减少40%。
Study on coagulating aid effect of Enteromorpha prolifera on
organic polymer flocculant
GAO Xiang, YU Zong-gan, ZHOU Rong
( Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of agriculture,
Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: Comparing with the effects of the pond sediment subsidence ratio, pH value, the optimal dosage of AP120 flocculant and turbidity removal rate by different dosing quantity of the Enteromorpha prolifera through flocculation experiments. The experiment tests the coagulating aid effect of the Flocculating Treatment Process of the sediment. The results showed that the settlement ratio of the slurry in the same period has the trend with the first increase and then decrease with the increase in the dosage of the Enteromorpha prolifera. The settlement ratio of the slurry in the same period is the lowest on the dosage of the Enteromorpha prolifera by 2.0 g/L. The pH value of the slurry reduce with increase of the dosage of the the Enteromorpha prolifera. The pH value of the slurry is 7.0 on the dosage of the Enteromorpha prolifera by 2.0 g/L. The Enteromorpha prolifera as the coagulate of AP120 has significant effect on turbidity removal of mud flocculating processing. There is the best effect on AP120 with the dosage of the Enteromorpha prolifera by 2.0 g/L .turbidity removal is the best by 97.8% on the dosage of the AP120 by 5.0 mg/L. The dosage of AP120 flocculant decreases by 40%, when turbidity removal rate is 95%.
Key words: Enteromorpha prolifera; organic polymer flocculant; coagulating aid; turbidity
作者简介:高翔(1979—),男,助理研究员,主要从事饲料工程和设备的研究。E-mail: xlbsh@sohu.com
通讯作者:虞宗敢(1956—),男,高级工程师,主要从事饲料工程和设备的研究。E-mail: yuzg1079@sohu.com