谭 围,陈傅晓,曾关琼,蒲利云,隋 曌
(海南省水产研究所,海口 570206)
摘要:为探索古蚶(Anadara antiquata)的生物学特性,建立古蚶与南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)混养模式,对古蚶生物学性状、生活习性等方面进行了初步探讨与总结,并开展了古蚶与南美白对虾混养试验。在人工培育条件下,掌握了古蚶各个阶段的变态发育情况,初步了解了其幼虫在各个时期的生长状况。试验表明,通过实施古蚶与南美白对虾混养,每亩(667 m2)可产古蚶200 kg、南美白对虾300 kg、点蓝子鱼(Siganus guttatus)30 kg,可以改善养殖环境,达到良好的生态养殖效果。
Biological characteristics and Shrimp polyculture technology of Anadara antiquate
TAN Wei, CHEN Fu-Xiao, ZENG Guan-Qiong, PU Li-Yun, SUI Zhao
( Hainan Fishery Institute, Haikou 570206, China )
Abstract: Based on the polyculture of Anadara antiquate and Penaeus vannamei, we studied the biological characteristics and habits of A. antiquate to establish a new polyculture mode of A. antiquate and P. vannamei. In the condition of artificial cultivation, we know all stages of the metamorphosis of A. antiquate growth, preliminary understanding of the larvae growth conditions in different periods. The cost of experiment in RMB 4,000 yuan or so for each 667 m2, and it can produce A. antiquata for 200 kg, P. vannamei for 300 kg, rabbitfish for 30 kg, which can create value of RMB 8,800 yuan, and create pure benefit RMB 4,800 yuan. Results showed that breeding environment was improved and a good effect of ecological culture was achieved, which play a positive role in the sustainable, stable and healthy development of A. antiquate culture.
Key words: Anadara antiquate; biological characteristics; polyculture; Penaeus vannamei
作者简介:谭围(1982—),男,硕士,主要从事水产经济动物繁殖生物学研究。E-mail: tanwei2599@163.com
通讯作者:陈傅晓(1971—),男,工程师,主要从事水产增养殖研究。E-mail: cfx69@163.com