孙中之1,周 军2,赵振良2,许玉甫2,高文斌2,庄 申2,
王 俊1,闫 伟1,王成华1,陈 孛3,孟维东4
(1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;2 河北省水产研究所,河北 秦皇岛 066000;
3 农业部黄渤海区渔政局,山东 烟台 264119;4 河北省渔政处,河北 秦皇岛 066000)
摘 要:刺网是黄渤海区的重要渔具渔法之一,2009年刺网渔获量达109.57万t,占该区三省一市总渔获量的30.14%,居于第2位。2010年对32个渔港渔村的刺网渔具渔法进行了抽样调查,并对这些调查资料作了定性定量分析。结果表明:14个地区有刺网渔具渔法,涉及2型2式54种。其中,漂流单片刺网22种,占40.7%;定置单片刺网13种,占24.1%;漂流三重刺网16种,占29.6%;定置三重刺网3 种,占5.6%。2009年刺网总数量为350余万片,河北最多,达到164万片;天津次之,为94万片。地区频率指数表明,刺网渔具渔法主要分布在渤海的营口至黄骅以及黄海的青岛至威海一带沿海。主捕对象网具频率指数表明,梭子蟹、海蜇、虾蛄、鲳、鲅、小黄鱼、中国对虾是刺网渔具的主要捕捞对象。大多数刺网的网目尺寸偏小。定性定量分析结果表明,抽样调查基本上能够反映出黄渤海区刺网的概况。
Sample investigation and quantitative analysis on fishing gear and method of gillnet in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea
SUN Zhong-zhi 1, ZHOU Jun 2, ZHAO Zhen-liang 2, XU Yu-fu 2, GAO Wen-bin 2,
ZHUANG Shen2, WANG Jun1, YAN Wei1, WANG Cheng-hua1, CHEN Bei3, MENG Wei-dong4
( 1 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao Shandong 266071, China;
2 Fisheries Research Institute of Hebei Province, Qinhuangdao Hebei 066000, China;
3 Regional Bureau of Yellow Sea and Bohai Fishery Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Yantai Shandong 264119, China;
4 Regional Department of Fishery Management, Qinhuangdao Hebei, 066000, China )
Abstract: The gill-net is one of the important fishing gear and methods in the Yellow sea and Bohai Sea and occupies second. Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning and Shandong's gill-net total yield in 2009 amounts to 1.0957 million tons, accounting for 30.14% of total yield. The sample investigation to gill-net of 32 fishing ports and villages was carried out in 2010. Also, the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the investigation material was made. The results show that there is the gill-net fishing gear and fishing methods in 14 areas which include 2 types, 2 styles and 54 kinds of gill-net. Among them, there are 22 kinds of the drift single wall of webbing gill-net, accounting for 40.7%; 13 kinds of the set single wall of webbing gill-net, 24.1%; 16 kinds of the drift trammel net, 29.6%; and 3 kinds of the set trammel net, 5.6%. The total number of gill-nets in 2009 is more than 3.5 million pieces; Hebei are most, achieves 1.64 million pieces; Tianjin, followed by 0.94 million pieces. The area frequency index indicates that the fishing gear and methods of gill-net mainly distributes from Yingkou to Huanghua area in Bohai Sea, as well as from Qingdao to Weihai area coast in Yellow Sea. The frequency index of the object caught by gill-net indicates that blue crab, jellyfish, mantis shrimp, silvery pomfret, Spanish mackerel, little yellow croaker and shrimp are the main target of the fishing gear and method of gill-net. The minimum mesh size of most gill-nets is too small. The results of the qualitative and quantitative analysis indicate that the sample investigation can basically reflect the profile of gill-nets in the Yellow Sea and Bohai area.
Key words: fishing gear and method of gill-net; sample investigation; qualitative and quantitative analysis; Yellow Sea and Bohai area
E-mail: sunzz@ysfri.ac.cn