张 萍,缴建华,白 明,王娟娟, 于 洁
摘 要:2009年5—10月,对海河干流9个站位的浮游动物进行了调查,初步鉴定结果:浮游动物32种,包括轮虫12种,桡足类8种,枝角类9种,原生动物3种。各月份的种群生物密度和生物量分布呈现一致性,高峰均出现在5月份,分别为1 980.00 ind/L和65.30 mg/L,经ANOVA检验,这两者在各站位和各月份间的差异均不显著(P>0.05);各种群个体数量的时间和水平分布也分别存在一定的差异性。按马加利夫(Margalef)多样性指数法判定,海河干流的水质处于α中污—重污型阶段。结合环境因子讨论分析其生物学原因,并提出了改善和修复海河水质状况的合理化建议。
Initial research on community structure of zooplankton in
mainstream of Haihe river
ZHANG Ping, JIAO Jian-hua, BAI Ming, WANG Juan-juan, YU jie
( Quality of Fishery Environment and Aquatic Products Supervision and Testing (Tianjin),
Ministry of Agriculture, Tianjin 300221, China)
Abstract: The resource of zooplankton in Mainstream of Haihe River was investigated from May to October in 2009. 9 stations were researched and monitored. The results showed that there were 32 species of zooplankton, including 12 species of rotifera, 8 species of copepoda, 9 species of Cladocera and 3 species of protozoa. In each month, the diversification of the densities was consistent with the biomass. The maximum appeared both in May, and they were 1 980.00 ind/L and 65.30 mg/L respectively. ANOVA analyse indicated the densities and biomass were not affected by the months and stations (P>0.05). They displayed different density levels at different stations and stages. According to the Margalef′method, Haihe River belongs to α mid-heavy filth type. Combining with the environmental factors, the paper discussed the biological reasons. Futher, a rationalization suggestion was proposed to repair the water quality of Haihe River.
Key words: zooplankton; biological density; biomass; diversity; Haihe river
作者简介:张萍(1983—),女,助理工程师,研究方向:渔业资源与生态环境。E-mail: zyrzjhzp@163.com
通讯作者:缴建华(1965—),男,研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事渔业环境及水产品质量、海淡水鱼类繁育、渔业设施化养殖等技术研究。E-mail: jiaojianhua.5@163.com