葛长字1,2,张 帆2,徐宾铎2,任一平2
(1 山东大学威海分校海洋学院,山东 威海 264209;
2 中国海洋大学水产学院,山东 青岛 266003)
Spatio-temporal characteristics of organic matters of surface sediment
in tidal flats of the Daguhe Estuary
GE Chang-zi 1, 2, ZHANG Fan 2, XU Bin-duo 2 , REN Yi-ping 2
( 1 Marine College, Shandong University at Weihai, Weihai Shandong 264209, China;
2 Fisheries College, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Shandong 266003, China )
Abstract: In order to make certain the right reason that caused the degradation of ecological function of tidal flats in the Daguhe Estuary for the bottom sowing enhancement, surface sediment cores were sampled in February, May, August and November of 2009. Furthermore, the organic matters content of these sediments were measured and the environmental quantities of sediments were assessed. In February, the organic matters content of sediments in the tidal flat without benthic shellfish culture, the tidal flat with benthic shellfish culture and the river way was 7.35%, 6.00% and 4.12%, respectively. In May, it was 1.90%, 6.67% and 3.29%, respectively. The organic matters content of sediments in August in these areas was1.66%, 5.69% and 3.71%, respectively. Nevertheless, in November, it was 1.88%, 4.20% and 4.94%, respectively. The environmental quantity of sediments in the tidal flat with benthic shellfish culture belonged to the third level in May and it belonged to the second level in other sampling months. Nevertheless, the environmental quantity of sediments in the uncultured tidal belonged to the third level in February and belonged to the first level in May, August and November. The environmental quantity of sediments in the river way belonged to the second level in February and November. In May and August, it belonged to the first level. It was the accumulation of organic matters leading to the decline of the growth rate and the increase of mortality rate of cultured shellfish. Besides that, the shortage of food affected theses shellfish.
Key words: benthic shellfish culture; organic matters content; environmental quantity of sediments; Daguhe Estuary
作者简介:葛长字(1973—),男,副教授,研究方向:水生态系统健康及养殖容量评价。E-mail: changzige@ouc.edu.cn