许 强1,刘舜斌2,许 敏1,章守宇1
(1 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 200090;2 浙江省舟山市海洋与渔业局,浙江 舟山 316000)
Preliminary study on sites selection of marine ranching
— take Zhoushan as an example
XU Qiang1, LIU Shun-bin2, XU Min1, ZHANG Shou-yu1
( College of Marine Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China;
2 Zhoushan Ocean and Fisheries Bureau, Zhoushan Zhejiang 316100, China )
Abstract: Marine ranching is a new comprehensive mode of fisheries development and management. Based on the analysis of the importance of site selection of marine ranching during the construction process, three major principles of sites selection of marine ranching were summarized, and according to these principles, the general method about site selecting of marine ranching was given, that was, clarifying the main purpose, analyzing the main factors which affect the selecting process, assessing all the sites according to the practical situation of the region, and then a comprehensive evaluation of the primary results. This paper took Zhoushan as an example, by selecting and optimizing the main factors affecting sites selection of marine ranching, such as Marine Functional Zoning, basis of fisheries and its core planning, marine ecology environment, and infrastructure, a few of regions were given priority as the sites for marine ranching, they are Ma’an Archipelago sea area, Zhongjieshan Islands sea area, East Daishan Islands sea area and East Zhujiajian sea area, which are the better sites for marine ranching construction. Some small-scale sites concentrate on the sea areas near these islands.
Key words: marine ranching; site selection; Zhoushan
作者简介:许强(1986—),男,硕士研究生,主要从事渔业生态养护工程、海洋牧场研究。E-mail: xuqiang19861002@163.com
通讯作者:章守宇(1961—),男,教授,博导,主要从事海洋渔业生态研究。E-mail: syzhang@shou.edu.cn