(1中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;
2天津鑫永丰水产养殖有限公司,天津 300480)
摘要: 为了解青岛海域金乌贼生长规律,通过形态学观察及生物学测定,分析了金乌贼角质颚形态参数特征,建立了角质颚与胴长、体重的关系。结果显示:角质颚上颚头盖长、下颚头盖长和上颚喙长与胴长呈极显著的线性相关,角质颚各部长与体重呈极显著的指数相关;金乌贼角质颚头盖长(UHL)与胴长(ML)的方程为ML=9.8770×UHL+4.7132,角质颚头盖长(UHL)、角质颚脊突长(LCL)与体重(BW)的方程分别为BW=41.716e0.1414UHL、BW=72.727e0.1376LCL。
关键词:金乌贼;角质颚; 胴长;体重
The relationship between beak shape parameters and mantle length,
body weight of Sepia esculenta Hoyle
WANG Xiaohua1,LIU Changlin1,CHEN Siqing1,SUN Jianming1, LIU Chunsheng1,XU Fuzhu2
(1Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science Qingdao 266071, China;
2 Tianjin xinyongfeng breeding Co., Ltd,Tianjin Hangu 300480,China)
Abstract:In order to understand the growth rule of Golden Cuttlefish in Qingdao sea area, the beak shape parameters and its relationship with mantle length and body weight were studied through the morphological observation and determination of biology, and established the relationship between beak shape parameters and mantle length, body weight. The results indicated that the upper beak of hood length and rostrum length, and the lower beak of hood length were best described by linear functions with mantle length but the beak dimensions showed positive exponential correlation with body weight. The equation between UHL and ML is ML=9.8770×UHL+4.7132, the equation between UHL, LCL and BW respectively are BW=41.716e0.1414UHL, BW=72.727e0.1376LCL, which can be used to provide the related materials of the research for the growth rule and resource evaluation of Golden Cuttlefish.
Key words: golden cuttlefish(Sepia esculenta Hoyle);beak;mantle length;body weight