于 晴,唐衍力
(中国海洋大学水产学院,山东 青岛 266000)
摘要:根据2012年9月—2013年8月对威海西港人工鱼礁区及对照区的生物资源调查,对比分析了鱼类和大型无脊椎动物的种类组成、优势种、相对资源密度、多样性和相似性等群落结构特征。调查显示,人工鱼礁区和对照区共采集鱼类与大型无脊椎动物32种,隶属25科30属;其中北礁区24种,南礁区23种,对照区17种。鱼类和节肢类在生物量和数量上均占较高比例。2个鱼礁区在历次调查中的主要优势种皆为大泷六线鱼(Hexagrammos otakii)和许氏平鮋(Sebastods schlegelii),其次为口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)。北礁区的单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)(1011.39±584.18 g/n•d)是对照区CPUE(550.36±451.31 g/n•d)的1.84倍;南礁区的CPUE(700.87±368.86g/n•d)是对照区的1.27倍。鱼礁区的多样性和丰富度均高于对照区,北礁区最高多样性和丰富度分别达到3.20和2.47,南礁区最高分别达到3.12和2.87。2个鱼礁区和对照区之间的群落相似性处于中等水平。通过熵值法计算北礁区、南礁区和对照区综合生态效益值分别为0.402、0.340和0.260,北礁区生态效益最佳,南礁区次之,对照区最差。研究认为,人工鱼礁的投放有利于渔业资源特别是鱼类的养护和诱集,生态效果良好。
Analysis on community structure and diversity of fish and macroinvertebrates in artificial reef area around Xigang, Weihai
YU Qing,TANG Yanli
(College of Fisheries, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266000, China)
Abstract: Based on the resources survey in artificial reef areas and control areas in Xigang sea area from September 2012 to August 2013, community structure characters of above three areas were analyzed to understand the influences of artificial reef on fishery specific composition, and evaluate ecological effects of artificial reef. The results showed that numbers of species found in Xigang sea area were 32, belonging to 25 families, 30 genera, among which, 24 species were found in north reef area, 23 in south reef area, and only 17 species in control area. Fish and arthropod have higher percentage on biomass and quantity. The main dominant species found in both artificial reefs were Hexagrammos otakii and Sebastods schlegelii, followed by Oratosquilla oratoria. The CPUE of north reef area (1011.39±584.18g/n•d) was 1.84 times of that in control area (550.36±451.31 g/n•d). The CPUE of south reef area (700.87±368.86g/n•d) was 1.27 times of that in control area. In synchronous surveys, Shannon-Wiener index (H′) and Margalef index (E) of artificial areas were higher than those of control area. The similarity index between artificial reef areas and control area was medium. The comprehensive ecological benefit value of artificial reef areas and control area calculated through the entropy method was 0.402, 0.340 and 0.402. According to the findings of community structure, we conclude that it is favorable for organisms to habitat and assemble in artificial reef area, especially for fishes.
Key words: artificial reef area; community structure; entropy method; Xigang