(广东海洋大学经济管理学院,海洋经济与管理研究中心,广东 湛江 524088)
Study on marine ecological security and sustainable development of fishery of South China Sea
LIN Fengmei, BAI Fuchen
(Guangdong Ocean University, College of economics and management, Center for Marine Economics and Management Research, Zhanjiang Guangdong 524088, China)
Abstract: Along with continuous acceleration of the economic development of South China Sea Rim and the development of South China Sea by China, irrational anthropic sea-related activities leads to a series of irreversible problems about marine ecological security, which restricts the healthy development of fishery in the South China Sea. Based on the relevant documents and having research results, this text describes the concept of marine ecological security, discusses the relationship between marine ecological security and sustainable development of fishery in the South China Sea, and analyses the deep reasons for the problems of marine ecological security in the South China Sea. Then, some main countermeasures on protection of marine ecological security in this region are presented to achieve sustainable development of fishery of South China Sea, including promoting civic awareness and governance capability of marine ecological security, completing the management system of marine ecological security, consummating the legal system of marine ecological security and establishing diversified investment and financing system of marine ecological security.
Key words: South China Sea; marine ecological security; fishery; sustainable development