周凤建1,何玉明2,强晓刚1,王维善1,唐兰萍1,潘 番1,邱从芳1,王 彬1
(1 淮安市水产科学研究所,江苏 淮安 223001;2 淮安市畜牧水产局,江苏 淮安 223001)
摘要:为解决克氏原螯虾苗种规模化供应短缺问题,以洪泽湖地区克氏原螯虾为研究对象,在研究、掌握本地区克氏原螯虾繁殖习性的基础上,设计并建设了由700 m2大棚产卵池和50 m2加温孵化温室及若干特制网箱组成的苗种规模化繁育设施。2007年9月分批次将16 443只成熟的克氏原螯虾亲虾放入大棚产卵池特制网箱,通过降低光照、微孔增氧、循环流水等措施,先后获得抱卵虾6 053只,平均抱卵率为45.7%;抱卵虾移入温室后,在控温、流水条件下孵化,获得了平均体长0.88 cm的稚虾76.9万尾,平均孵化率为81.1%。
Artifical breeding technique for a large scale of Procambarus clarkii
ZHOU Feng-jian; HE Yu-ming; QIANG Xiao-gang WANG Wei-shan; TANG Lan-ping;
PAN Fan; QIU Cong-fang WANG Bing
(1 Huai’an Fisheries Scientific Research Institute of Jiangsu Province, Huai’an 223001,China;
2 Pasturage and Aquatic Products Bureau of Huai'an Municipality of Jiangsu Province, Huai’an 223001,China)
Abstract: In order to provide plenteous larva, the research of artifical breeding technique for a large scale of Procambarus clarkii had been done since 2006. Using the Procambarus clarkii coming from the area of hongze lake as researching material, the primary knowledge of breeding behaviour and regularity have been learned by field investigation and laboratory observation. According to this, a set of artifical breeding facilities consist of a greenhouse and many net box have been built. The area of the greenhouse is about 700 m2. In the greenhouse, there are many cement ponds used for breeding, some of them, about 50 m2, have water temperature controling facilities during Sep. 15 to 22, 2007. 16443 mature Procambarus clarkii have been put into box net in batches. 6053 berried shrimps have been gotten continuously by reducing light intensity, increasing dissolved O2 in water, and speeding water. Average breeding rate is about 45.7%, excluding the death broodstock, the rate is about 81.3%. Putting the berried shrimps into greenhouse, 716000 larval which the average length is about 0.88cm have been incubated, and the average hatchability is about 81.6 % excluding death broodstock.
Key words: Procambarus clarkii; berried shrimp ; breeding; large-scale