齐 明,申玉春,朱春华,吴灶和,黄翔鹄
摘要:研究凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)在不同体重下(0.1,2.0,5.5,8.0 g)摄食人工饲料的利用情况,以便于提高对虾养殖过程中物质与能量的转化效率、降低环境污染。结果表明:对虾的饵料系数为1.28~1.73,随着体重的增加而升高;摄食率在2.75%~5.13%,大个体对虾明显低于小个体;湿重、干重的特定生长率分别为2.45~4.32和2.56~5.44。对虾干物质的同化率为88.14%~89.05%、总转换效率15.06%~22.07%、净转换效率16.93%~25.76%,能量的同化率为92.83%~93.37%、总转换效率14.74%~24.07%、净转换效率15.80%~25.71%,对虾的同化率在缓慢升高,而转化效率在逐渐降低。
A primary study on conversion efficiency of Litopenaeus vannamei feed on artificial diets
QI Ming, SHEN Yu-chun, ZHU Chun-hua, WU Zao-he, HUANG Xiang-hu
( Key Laboratory of Aquaculture in South China Sea for Aquatic Economic Animal,
Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524025 )
Abstract: Components of conversion efficiency of Litopenaeus vannamei feed on artificial diets were measured at different body weight(0.1 g,2.0 g,5.5 g,8.0 g)by an experimental ecological method to improve husbandry for shrimp culture. The results indicated that there were decrease in diet coefficient, between 1.28 and 1.73; feeding rates in the range of 2.75% to 5.13%, the big body less than small body; wet and dry specific growth rates were 2.45~4.32、2.56~5.44. The shrimp dry matter assimilation rates were between 88.14% and 89.05%, total conversion efficiency altered in the range of 15.06% to 22.07%, net conversion efficiency altered in the range of 16.93% to 25.76%, averaging 21.17%; the energy assimilation rates were between 92.83% and 93.37%, total conversion efficiency altered in the range of 14.74% to 24.07%, net conversion efficiency altered in the range of 15.80% to 25.71%.The shrimp there were increase in assimilation rate and decrease in conversion efficiency with different body weight.
Key words: Litopenaeus vannamei,artificial diets,assimilation rate,conversion efficiency
通讯作者:申玉春,男,教授,博士。E-mail: shenyuchun@163.com