史 源,赵江贺,朱慧文,刘铁铮,张崇禧
(山东大学威海分校海洋学院,威海 264200)
摘要:以锦鲤(Cryprinus carpiod)为试验对象,研究3种中药复方制剂对锦鲤的诱食活性、生长指标的影响。结果表明:不同中药复方制剂对锦鲤的诱食效果差异明显,复方制剂1(选用灵芝、玉竹等)和复方制剂3(选用杜仲、党参等)对其有极显著的诱食作用(P<0.001),复方制剂2(选用黄芪、淫羊藿等)的诱食作用次之(P<0.01)。不同的中药复方制剂对锦鲤生长效果的影响差异较大,其中,复方制剂2对锦鲤有显著的促生长作用,与对照组相比,增重率提高了25.90%,饲料系数降低了0.56,且差异显著(P<0.05)。
Study on feeding attraction activity and growth of Chinese herbal compound
for Cryprinus carpiod
SHI Yuan, ZHAO Jiang-he, ZHU Hui-wen, LIU Tie-zheng, ZHANG Chong-xi
( Marine College, Shandong University at Weihai, Weihai 264200, China )
Abstract: A feeding trial was designed to evaluate the effects of three kinds of Chinese herbal compounds on growth and feeding attraction activity in Cryprinus carpiod. Chinese herbal compound I and compound III showed more feeding attraction activity (P<0.001) rather than compound II (P<0.01), and the compounds were significantly different from each other in feeding attraction activity. The Chinese herbal compounds showed significant different from each other in the effects on the growth of Cyprinus carpiovar. The results showed that there were 25.90% higher growth rate in the fish in Group II than that in the control group (P<0.05).
Key words: Cryprinus carpiod; Chinese herbal compound; feeding attraction activity; growth rate; ratio of liver weight and body weight; feed coefficient
作者简介:史源(1987— ),男,主要从事药理学研究。