王金秋1,2,罗武松2,季 强2
(1 复旦大学生命科学学院,遗传学研究所,遗传学国家重点实验室,上海 200433;
2 上海四鳃鲈水产科技发展有限公司,上海 200433)
摘要:松江鲈鱼(Trachidermus fasciatus)是肉食性鱼类,具有降海洄游习性,生活史周期短而复杂。基于十余年对其驯养繁殖的研究成果,结合3年多的全人工养殖的生产运营实践,提出松江鲈鱼健康养殖的理念,用封闭式自循环、自净化系统养殖松江鲈鱼。基于生态模拟进行系统构建、工艺处理及水质调控,达到松江鲈鱼健康养殖的目的。因此,本系统是一个绿色环保型的健康养殖系统。
Construction of healthy culture system of Roughskin sculpin
WANG Jin-qiu1,2, LUO Wu-song2, JI Qiang2
( 1 School of Life Science, Institute of Genetics, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering,
Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China;
2 Shanghai Sisailu Fishery Science & Technology Development Co., Ltd, Shanghai 200433, China )
Abstract:Roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus) is a carnivorous fish, which have seawater-freshwater migratory habits, complex and short life history cycle. We put forward the new concept of T. fasciatus healthy culture, based upon the research of their domestication and breeding for 10 years and as well as the whole practice of artificial breeding for 3 years, fish them with self-loop and self-purification system. Based on ecological simulation, for processing the system construction and technology treatment and water quality control, achieve the purpose of T. fasciatus healthy culture. Therefore, it is an environment-friendly and also a real healthy farming system.
Key words: Roughskin sculpin, health culture, system, construction