(广东省大亚湾水产试验中心,广东 惠州,516081)
摘要:通过对鞍带石斑鱼(Epinephelus lanceolatus)为期5个月的养殖监测试验,研究循环水养殖条件下鞍带石斑鱼的生长特点。采用线性拟合、指数拟合、乘幂拟合的方法,分析了鞍带石斑鱼全长、体重生长与养殖时间,以及全长与体重的最佳拟合曲线。结果表明:鞍带石斑鱼全长生长与养殖时间以线性回归为佳(y=2.791x-15.716,R2=0.9512);体重生长与养殖时间以指数回归最佳(y=2.4323e0.32x,R2=0.9965);全长与体重以乘幂回归为最佳(y=0.0073x3.2628,R²=0.9453)。对鞍带石斑鱼全长与体重的幂函数关系分析,表明鞍带石斑鱼属正异速生长型(b=3.2628),说明本研究条件下的循环水养殖模式适用于鞍带石斑鱼的养殖。
Research on the growth characteristics of Epinephelus lanceolatus in recirculating aquaculture systems
Huang Jin-xiong, Yang Yu-qing, Zhang Hai-fa, Huang Jing-quan, Zhang Lei, Cai Xiu-na
(Guangdong Daya Bay fishery development center, Huizhou 516081, China)
Abstract: In this paper, the growth feature of Epinephelus lanceolatus under circular culturing is analyzed by 5 months of breeding monitoring. The relationship of total length vs breeding time, and weight vs breeding time, and total length vs weight is analyzed by linear fitting, exponential fitting and power fitting. The results showed that linear regression (y=2.791x-15.716,R2=0.9512) between total length and breeding time is the best, and exponential regression (y=2.4323e0.32x,R2=0.9965) between weight and breeding time is the best, and power regression (y=0.0073x3.2628,R²=0.9453) between total length and weigh is the best. The power (b=3.2628) between total length and weight showed that the growth type of Epinephelus lanceolatus under circular culturing is positive allometry. This research attested that Epinephelus lanceolatus is suitable for breeding under the circular culturing.
Key words:Epinephelus lanceolatus; total length; weight; growth form