(1温岭市水产技术推广站,浙江 温岭,317500;
2 温岭龙王水产开发有限公司,浙江 温岭,317500)
摘要:利用室内工厂化育苗设施对缢蛏Sinonovacula constricta(Lamarck)进行人工催产,幼虫培育,盐度调控,育苗中后期直接投喂土池中天然藻类,减轻藻类培育负担,同步进行多批次苗种生产,大幅度增加了产量。2011年规模化苗种培育孵化率62.2%~70.7%,附着率52.2%~77.1%,幼虫成活率30.8%~60.2%,幼虫增重率为99.85%~99.96%,3个月内共催产915 kg种蛏,培育优质蛏苗约40亿粒。
Technique of large-scale artificial breeding of Sinonovacula constricta
XU Minxian1, DING Li-fa1, XU Li-ming2, XU Zhen-hua2
( 1 Aquaculture Development Center of Wenling, Wenling Zhejiang 317500, China;
2 Longwang Aquaculture Development Co., Ltd, Wenling Zhejiang 317500, China )
Abstract: In this paper, it has been generally represented that the technique of large-scale artificial induction and breeding of Sinonovacula constricta larvae, and also the key process of the salinity control, algae production and distribution during the 19-25 days processing. After 3 months production, the model company got 40 billion larvae under a hatching rate of 62.2%-70.7%, attachment rate of 52.2%-77.1%, larval survival rate of 30.8%-60.2%.
Key words: Sinonovacula constricta; larvae breeding, large-scale production
作者简介:徐敏娴(1982—),女,硕士,主要从事水产养殖技术研究。E-mail: minxian.xu@gmail.com