(荣成造船工业有限公司,山东 荣成 264309)
Design of RC869 Ocean-going Trawler
BI Yue-wen
( Rongcheng Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Rongcheng Shandong 264309, China )
Abstract: The aim of research and development the RC869 Ocean-going Trawler is to fit ocean-going fishing. Introduce the fishing trawler from the principal particular, lining, stability, outfitting, machine and electric equipment, refrigeration, etc. By optimize design of the lining, solve some pertinent practical problems of ocean-going fishing trawler. Selecting the right main engine and gear box to pinpoint the economical and dependability of the main propulsion unit. In order to ameliorate in future, we design different power supply combination. Show the refrigeration system in details to give priority deepfreeze . The CAD Software is also introduced.
Key words: ocean-going trawler; stability; outfitting; main engine; refrigeration
作者简介:毕跃文(1971—),男,工程师,大学本科,主要从事船舶轮机设计工作。E-mail: yuewen6666@163.com