(1 上海海洋大学海洋科学学院,上海 201306;2 大洋生物资源开发和利用上海市高校重点实验室,上海 201306;
3 大洋渔业资源可持续开发省部共建教育部重点实验室,上海 201306;4 上海嘉宝协力电子有限公司,上海 201802)
摘要:通过使用高光谱剖面仪Hyperspectral profiler II和IU-2B型照度计对所研制的国产LED水下集鱼灯(480 W型)的光学特性进行测量,并与2 kW型金属卤化物水下集鱼灯进行比较,分析表明国产LED水下集鱼灯具有相对较好的水中穿透率,能够满足渔业生产需要。根据目前我国近海3 000艘光诱渔船的水下灯配置情况,以水下灯每千瓦燃油消耗260 g计算,年总耗油量共约为3.6万t。若使用国产LED水下集鱼灯替代渔船原先的金属卤化物水下集鱼灯,则仅需燃油0.8万t,每年共可节约燃油近2.8万t。一艘渔船使用LED水下集鱼灯,仅需约1.8年即可收回成本。
Analysis of the optical characteristics of domestic underwater fish aggregation LED lamp and its energy saving
( 1 College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2 The Key Laboratory of Oceanic Fisheries Resources Exploitation of Shanghai Education Commission, Shanghai 201306, China; 3 The Key Laboratory of Sustainable Exploitation of Oceanic Fisheries Resources (Shanghai Ocean University), Ministry of Education, Shanghai 201306, China;
4. Shanghai Jiabao Xieli Electronic Co.,Ltd, Shanghai 201802, China )
Abstract: Domestic underwater fish aggregation LED lamp (480 W) was tested by Hyperspectral profiler II and IU-2B profiler. Its optical characteristics were measured and compared with the underwater metal halide lamp (2 kW). The results showed that LED lamp light can penetrate water well and meet the requirements of fishing operation. The total fuel consumption was estimated based on the consumption of fuel per kilowatt electrical power (260 g/kWh) and the volume was 36,000 tons for 3,000 offshore light vessels in China at present. If we substituted underwater fish aggregation LED lamp for metal halide lamp in the vessels, the total fuel consumption would be about 8,000 tons, saving about 28,000 tons fuel. A fishing boat with underwater fish aggregation LED lamp only need about 1.8 years to recover the costs.
Key words: LED; underwater fish aggregation lamp; optical characteristics; energy saving
作者简介:钱卫国(1977—),男,副教授,博士,主要从事光诱渔业方面的研究。E-mail: wgqian@shou.edu.cn