曾 林
(北方工业大学,北京 100041)
摘 要:渔船是用以捕捞和采收水生动植物的船舶。船舶火灾是一种比较常见的而且有着很大危害性的船舶事故,对船舶的安全航行构成了极大的威胁。消除火灾的关键是对火情的早期、快速、正确无误的预报,火灾探测器是火灾报警的关键部件;极早期烟雾探测器通过对渔船上工作舱、生活舱、货物舱、机舱等重要部位火灾发生时物理、化学现象的探测,将探测到的火情信号转换成为火警电信号传送给渔船火灾报警系统;采用极早期烟雾探测报警,为对潜在火灾危险做出响应赢得时间,是预防服务中断、避免潜在损失、改善业务的生产力水平的最佳方法。
Application of aspirating smoke detectable very early fire alarm system in fishing boats
(The Northern Industrial University,Beijing 100041,China)
Summary:Fishing boats are for fishing and harvest aquatic animals and plants of ships. The fire is a kind of common and has great harmfulness of ship accidents, for the safety of the ship sailing constitute a serious threat. Eliminate fire is the key to fire the early, rapid, accurate prediction. Fire detector is fire alarm of the key components, Very early smoke detectors based on a fishing boat work tank, accommodation, goods onboard, the engine, and other important position when the fire broke out physics, chemistry phenomenon detecting, will detect signal into the fire alarm signals transmitted to become fishing boats fire alarm system, Using very early smoke detection alarm, for potential fire danger respond to gain time, is to prevent service interruption, avoid potential loss, improve business productivity level best method.
Key words: Fishing fire;Fire detectors;Very early smoke detectors;Fire alarm system