(1福建省闽东水产研究所,福建 宁德 352100;
2宁德市海洋技术开发有限公司,福建 宁德 352100)
摘要:根据鲍生长特性,采用低碳、环保的高密度聚乙烯材料研制了新型高密度竖排式鲍养殖箱,进行了养殖密度等的研究,并在产量、成本、占用面积等方面与传统鲍养殖设施进行比较。结果表明,在新型鲍养殖箱中,平均壳长1.5 cm的鲍苗最适放养密度为500粒/箱,养至70 g,成鲍可养密度为375粒/箱,成活率75%,产量比传统养殖笼提高37%。与现有两种传统养殖方式(以养殖笼为主)相比,新型鲍养殖箱具有水体交换好、操作简单、效率高(节省劳力84%以上)、养殖成本低、节省养殖海域面积等优点。
关键词 :鲍;鲍养殖箱;鲍养殖笼;养殖设施
Design of new high-efficiency aquaculture facilities for abalone
QUAN Han-feng1, CHEN Miao-xiang2, CHEN Sheng-ping2, ZHOU Zhi-peng2
( 1 Mindong Fisheries Research Institute, Ningde Fujian 352100, China;
2 Ningde Marine Technology and Development Company Limited, Ningde Fujian 352100, China )
Abstract: According to the growth characteristics of abalone, we developed new high-density erect box, which made of low-carbon economic, eco-friendly and high-density materials. In this study, the optimum density in this box were examined and compared with traditional aquaculture facilities in yield, cost, and area taking up and so on. The results showed that optimum density of juvenile abalone (1.5 cm in average shell length) in the new box was 500 points per box, and survival rate of abalones about 70g were up to 75%, 375 points per box, which was 37% higher than traditional type. Comparing with two traditional mariculture type (small plastic cage mostly), the advantage was obvious that the new box were well water exchanged, simple-operated and high efficiency (economized labors 84% or higher), high yield per area, low cost and smaller breed area economized.
Key words: abalone; abalone aquaculture box; abalone aquaculture cage; aquaculture facilities
作者简介:全汉锋(1968—),男,副研究员,主要从事水产养殖、加工研究。E-mail: hanfeng6@sina.com