戴 阳,杨胜龙,李灵智
(中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090)
摘要:在围网改进设计阶段常用模型网具进行模拟实验,其中沉降数据是其重要参数。设计了微型围网沉降数据记录仪。仪器采用MSP430F149单片机作为主控芯片,通过传感器模块获取水中的压强数据,经校正后储存在非易失固态存储芯片中;通过串口读出校正的压强数据,从中可以计算出围网的深度,结合数据采样频率计算出下沉速度。设计的数据仪具有体积小(5.2 cm×3.0 cm×2.1 cm)、重量轻(约33 g)的特点,仪器平均密度为1 007 kg/m3,接近海水密度,可在几乎不影响网具本身沉降状态的情况下进行测量。试验表明,在2.6 m的量程内,相对误差≤1.50%。
Design of seine sinking data logger
DAI-Yang, YANG Shen-long, LI Ling-zhi
( East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, China Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200090, China )
Abstract: In the phase of improving purse seine design, the model purse seine is commonly used to simulate experiment, and the sinking data are important parameters. A purse seine sinking data logger is designed, using MSP430F149 as the master chip, pressure sensor module to get the water pressure data, and then the corrected pressure data were stored in the non-volatile solid state memory chips. The corrected pressure data can be read via the serial port, and the depth of the purse seine can be calculated from the pressure data, the sinking speed can be calculated by combined with the depth and the sampling frequency. This logger have the characteristics of small size (5.2 cm×3.0 cm×2.1 cm) and light weight ( 33 grams ). The average density is about 1 007 kg / m3, which is close to the density of seawater. The credible sinking data can be measured and almost not affected by the sinking data logger itself. The test experiments show that, in the range of 2.6 m, the relative error is less than 1.5%.
Key words: netting sinking; purse seine; sinking data logger
作者简介:戴阳(1969—),男,副研究员,博士,主要从事海洋仪器与遥感探测方面的研究。E-mail: daiyang69@163.com