(天津市华泰森淼生物技术有限公司,天津 300384)
摘要:小型超高压设备的轻量化和小型化,不仅关系到设备的材料消耗和产品成本,而且关系到用户的方便性及其推广应用。本文介绍了小型超高压食品加工设备(10 L以下)的结构创新设计,应用有限元分析优化设备结构,在参数优化、材料处理等方面提出改进技术措施,研制出专利技术产品,并且提出规模化生产和产业化的具体方案。
Weight reduction and miniaturization of ultra-high pressure unit
JIA Pei-qi
( Tianjin Huatai-senmiao Bioengineering Technology Co.,Ltd, Tianjin 300384, China )
Abstract: The small quantification and miniaturization of small-size ultra-high pressure unit is not only concerned with the expenditure of materials of the equipment and cost of the products but also with the convenience of the users and its diffusion and application. This paper deals with the technological measures and related patent technologies which involves the design of the structure, finite element analysis,optimization of the parameter, the treatment of the materials of the small-size ultra-high pressure unit (under 10 litres). At the same time, some concrete projects of its mass and large scale production and industrialization are also put forward.
Key words: ultra-high pressure unit; seafood processing; design of the structure
作者简介:贾培起(1943—),男,教授级高级工程师,研究方向:超高压生物及食品加工技术和设备。E-mail: tjsm112@163.com