(河南省水产科学研究院 郑州,450044)
摘 要:为满足科研项目实施过程中大量分组对比小水体试验养殖投饵需求,设计了一种微型定量自动投饵机。该机下料机构采用直流减速电机通过丝杠螺旋进给装置,带动定量孔滑板循环往复运动,实现微量定量投饵;应用单片机CC1110及SimpliciTI网络协议,构建一个简单易用的无线网络,实现对多个小水体养殖投饵的集中自动控制,网络范围可达100~200 m。具有可移动、安装容易、不受环境限制等特点。
Design of micro-quantitative automatic feeder
ZHOU Xiao-lin
( Henan Academy of Fishery Science, Zhengzhou, 450044 China )
Abstract: A micro-quantitative automatic feeder was designed for feeding small water bodies’ fish culture. The feeder realizes micro-quantitative automatic feeder through micro DC gear motor driving a rationing sliding plate which can slide back and forth between storage hopper and the position of feed dropping by leadscrew nut. A simple wireless network was established with MCU CC1110 and SimpliciTI network protocol in order to realize the automatic control of fish food, and the range of network can reach 100-200 m. It has the features of being movable, easy to fix and no environment limited.
Key words: feeder; micro-quantitative automatic feeder; single-chip microcomputer; aquaculture
作者简介:周晓林(1965—),男,高级工程师,研究方向:渔业机械。E-mail: zhxl@139.com