(泉州师范学院物理与信息工程学院,福建 泉州 362000)
关键词:ZigBee; 网箱养殖;环境监测;数据传输
Design of environmental monitoring data transmission system for marine cage culture based on the ZigBee module
KE Yue-qian,HUANG Jiang-fu,HUANG Shan-ming,ZENG Xiao-ming
( The College of physics and Information Engineering,Quanzhou Normal University, Quanzhou Fujian 36200, China )
Abstract: Through the analysis of modern marine cage culture status, design a marine aquaculture environmental parameters automatic detection system based on ZigBee. In the region, monitor the deployment of network nodes; detect the temperature, pH value and dissolved oxygen and other environmental parameters in the cage aquaculture. Accomplish the data wireless transmission through processing the data, monitoring of the change of aquaculture environment parameters real-time and provide evidence for its effective control by monitoring systems. Numerous experiments in the coastal harbor cage, obtaining measurement parameters through wireless transmission coincide with the field measured parameters to the actual measured value, indicating that the communication system is feasible, stable and reliable. The system overcomes the shortage of high cost, large power consumption, deficiencies inconvenience of node monitoring management in traditional way; it has the advantage of low power consumption, flexible networking, strong expansibility etc.
Key words: ZigBee; cage culture; Environmental monitoring; Data transmission
作者简介:柯跃前(1966—),男, 副教授,从事物理与电子信息应用技术研究。E-mail:yueqianke@126.com