戴 阳,杨胜龙,李灵智,刘 健
(中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090)
摘要:在围网设计中,常用模型网具获取实验数据,沉降数据是围网的重要参数之一。现有的网具沉降数据仪,或者由于体积过大不适用于模型网具,或者没有数据采集时间记录功能,而限制了使用的便利性。为改进这一缺点,采用具有实时时钟模块的MSP430FR5739单片机作为主控芯片,利用其实时时钟功记录数据采集时间,并利用其内部的铁电存储单元,作为数据暂存区,配合容量较大的FLASH芯片作为主存储,既保证了存储区的寿命又提高了数据存储容量,同时延长了仪器在水下的工作时间。通过选用大量程压力传感器MS5541-30C,测量水深为0~290 m。设计的沉降仪具有可记录数据采集时间、测量范围大、数据存储多等优点,使用方便,可用于模型网具和真实围网的沉降数据获取。
Design of seine sinking data logger with data acquisition time record
DAI Yang,YANG Shenglong,LI Lingzhi,LIU Jian
(East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, ChinaAcademy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai200090, China)
Abstract: Net model is commonly used in the design stage to get performance data. The sinking data is an important parameter of the purse seine. The existing purse seine sinking data logger, because of excessive size does not apply to the net model, or without data acquisition time recording function, limit the convenience of using it. In order to overcome the shortcoming, a TI MCU MSP430FR5739, which with real-time clock (RTC) module and ferroelectric memory unit, is used as the main control chip, the RTC is used to record data acquisition time. By using the ferroelectric memory unit as data buffer, and the large capacity FLASH chip as the main storage, the storage life and the storage capacity is improved, so a underwater working time is greatly prolonged. The pressure sensor MS5541-30C is used to measure the depth of water, and the water depth range are 0-290 meters. This design with the advantages of can record data acquisition time, large measuring range and large amount of data storage is more convenient to use, can be used for the net model or the purse seine to obtain its sinking data.
Key words: seine sinking;sampling time;sinking data logger;purse seine fishing;