(江苏渔船检验局,江苏 南通226006)
摘 要:根据沿海各省验船部门的反应和对部分省份的号灯情况的调研,到当前为止,我国总长小于35m海洋渔船的号灯配备普遍存在不符合《1972年国际海上规则》规定的问题。通过对调研情况的分析,找出渔船号灯配备、安装与的差距和原因。根据裸眼光学理论和地球曲面可见高度与距离的公式,初步得出号灯的最小间距和距海面的最低高度。结合渔船实际情况,提出调整小型海洋渔船号灯配备、安装从而降低灯杆高度等方案。通过陆地验证和海上实船试验,确认了方案的可行性。为修订我国渔船号灯设置规定提供依据,同时为向国际海事组织提交号灯修改提案提供技术支持。
主题词: 海洋渔船;灯杆;高度
A Study on the heights of light mast of the mini-fishing vessels at sea
YUAN Shichun,ZHU Weixing,CAI Guanhua
( Fishing Vessel Register Department of Jiangsu, Nantong 226006, China)
Abstract:The lights of the miniature fishing vessels at sea which length of all less 35m in China can’t reach the demand of the “International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972” until now,according to responses of surveyors of inshore provinces and survey by authors. The differences and reasons between the miniature fishing vessels and the “Regulations” were found by survey datum analyzed. Lights least spaces and minima heights to offing were estimated though the naked eyes seeing optics theory and the formula between height and distance of the curvature of the earth. On the basis of the existing realities in China, the primary suggestions to reduce mast height for the miniature fishing vessels at sea were put forward, by decreasing space of lights and so on. The suggestions feasibility were proved though land examination and the fishing vessels test at sea。The suggestions and researches could be as bases for adjusting the Lights setting of the miniature fishing vessels in China, and also could be used as the proves to IMCO for the proposal to adjust lights setting.
Key words: fishing vessels; light mast; heights