(1 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室;2 中国水产科学研究院池塘生态工程研究中心,上海 200092)
摘要:为改善池塘底部环境,研制了一种太阳能底质改良机,以太阳能为动力,通过直流电机带动提水筒中的涡轮旋转,将沉积在池塘底部的絮状底泥提升至水体表层,以促进有机物分解和转化。研究结果表明,该机的启动光照度为13 000 lx,对应电机启动电流为3.71 A,在光照强度13 600~47 130 lx下,对应工作电流3.81~7.8 A,运动速度为0.13~0.31 m/s;在模拟输入电流3.81~7.58 A,提水筒吸泥口距塘底距离5 cm状况下,设备提水的涡轮转速为100~290 r/min,对应提水流量为110~290 m³/h,提水筒出水的总悬浮固体颗粒物(TSS)浓度达2 300 mg/L,涡轮转速和提水流量与输入电流呈正相关,能将池塘底部絮状底泥有效提升至水体表面。
Research on the mechanical properties of the solar energy sediment improved machine used in the pond
CHENG Guofeng1, LIU Shijing1, TIAN Changfeng2, LIU Xingguo 1,2
(1 Key Laboratory of Fishery Equiment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China; 2 Pond Ecological Engineering Research Center of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: In order to improve the bottom environment of the pond, developed a solar sediment improved machine, it is powered by solar energy to take the organic matter at the bottom to the surface water to promote decomposition of organic matter. In the solar illuminance is 13 000 lx, corresponding to the motor starting current is 3.71 A , water lifting machine started pumping water. In the solar illuminance is 13 600~47 130 lx, corresponding working current is 3.81 to 7.8 A and the machine driving itself movement in the pond with the speed between 0.13 and 0.35 m/s; when working current is beteen3.81~7.58 A, and the distance bewteen the water barrel suction mouth and the bottom of the pond is <5cm, the turbine speed is between 100 to 290 r/min , corresponding to the water flow after 110~290 m³/h, turbine speed and water flow rate was positively correlation with input current; water barrel outlet discharge TSS concentration can be up to 2 300 mg/L, the solor improvd machine can promote organic matter at the bottom of the pond to the surface of water effectively.
Key words: the solar energy; pond farming; sediment modified machinery; mechanical properties