杨炳忠,杨 吝,谭永光,晏 磊,张 鹏
(中国水产科学研究院南海水产研究所,广东 广州 510300)
摘要:为了探明龙头鱼流刺网的渔获种类并对网目捕获机理进行初步研究,2012年9月在南海北部珠海近海渔场进行了调查,对全部渔获种类进行分类鉴定,并根据相对体围的渔获量变化曲线探讨了网目捕获机理。结果显示:龙头鱼流刺网的主要渔获种类为龙头鱼(Harpodon nehereus)、杜氏叫姑鱼(Johnius dussumieri)、金色小沙丁鱼(Sardinella aurita)和鳓(Ilisha elongata);渔获的龙头鱼相对体围值在0.8~1.2内的占绝大多数;当龙头鱼的相对体围值为1.0时,渔获量最高。
关键词: 流刺网;龙头鱼;网目尺寸;网目捕获机理
Preliminary study of mesh size captured mechanism of gillnet fishery for Harpodon nehereus
YANG Bingzhong, YANG Lin, TAN Yongguang, YAN Lei, ZHANG Peng
(South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou 510300, China)
Abstract: Survey was conducted in September 2012 in fisheries ground of Zhuhai offshore, north part of the South China Sea, in order to obtain the catch species and mesh size captured mechanism of gillnet fishery for Harpodon nehereus. All catch species were classified, and mesh size captured mechanism was analyzed by the catch number distribution of relative girth value. The result indicated: the dominant species of the gillnet fishery were Harpodon nehereus, Johnius dussumieri, Sardinella aurita and Ilisha elongate; The relative girth values of most captured Harpodon nehereus were in the rage of 0.8~1.2; The captured number of Harpodon nehereus reached to the top when the relative girth value was 1.0. Finally, in order to make the minimal mesh size of gillnet for Harpodon nehereus, fishing gear selectivity should be studied using different mesh sizes.
Key words: gillnet; Harpodon nehereus; catch species; mesh size captured mechanism