林 蔚,郑晓伟,欧阳杰,沈 建
(农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,十大网投正规信誉官网,上海 200092)
摘要:在鱼糜脱水工序内增加海水冷却系统,能够对加工过程中挤压发热引起的温升起到较好的抑制作用,并可控制鱼糜出料温度,提高鱼糜品质。基于螺杆挤压脱水、温升和非均匀流换热模型,应用有限元法对挤压脱水过程中的鱼糜冷却效果进行数值模拟,比较不同海水循环方式和冷却参数对鱼糜冷却效果的影响。研究表明,在螺杆内使用一定条件的循环冷海水冷却鱼糜,平均温降可达到5 ℃以上。对比生产试验与数值模拟结果,数据基本吻合。
Numerical Simulation of Seawater Cooling during Surimi Dehydration
LIN Wei, ZHENG Xiao-wei, OUYANG Jie, SHEN Jian
( Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery Machinery & Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China )
Abstract: The utilization of seawater cooling system in surimi dehydration process can inhibit and control the temperature rise of surimi material, and hence improve the quality of surimi. Based on the heat transfer of non-uniform flow, dehydration and temperature rise model of screw press, the simulations of surimi cooling effect during dehydration are performed and compared under different operation conditions, using finite element method. The study shows that the cooling effect of above 5 ℃ can be achieved by circulating seawater in screw press. Comparing the data of changes in surimi temperature produced by experiment and modeling, the result mainly tallies.
Keywords: surimi dehydration; temperature rise inhibition; seawater cooling; numerical simulation
通讯作者简介:沈建(1971—),男,高级工程师,主要从事水产品加工技术装备的研究。E-mail: shenjian@fmiri.ac.cn